
perhaps vampires is a bit strong, but... - arctic monkeys

'cause all you people are vampires
& all your stories are stale!
and though you pretend to stand by us,

i know you're certain we'll fail


parkereloise said...

ooh fun, didn't know there were so many vampire songs

are you going to the phoenix and passion pit holiday thing this week?
keep hearing about it on the radio

Julia said...

I wish! the tickets were $40 so i was hesitant to begin with..there weren't many released anyway (radio holds) and i missed out

there's a secret show..phoenix is doing a taping or something. i entered to win haha but there's no chance. probably not very secret after all

parkereloise said...

yeah that is expensive arent you seeing them another time at hammerstien though?

radio things are so annoying haha and they play the commercial for it like every five seconds sooo i keep thinking of you!

i havent been to many concerts lately, i saw miley cyrus it was really a traumatic experience

c ontri/bu_tors